We are a group of students, professionals, and organizers united against long work hours, wage theft, and sweatshop conditions. We’re fed up with not having our labor valued and recognized; fed up with putting our own health and needs aside to maximize our bosses’ gain in capital! We’re here to reclaim our lost time and energy & to rechannel them into organizing and caring for ourselves and our loved ones.
Youth often symbolizes hope, strength, and the future— but increasingly we spend our days in distress and uncertainty. Some of us not only graduate from college with heavy debts but also face countless years of unemployment or precarious gig work. Others, while lucky enough to land a stable job, have the bulk of their time bound to their workplace while their health is jeopardized by long-hour workdays.
As young workers in the US, we create tremendous value for a society that, in turn, exploits our time and labor for the profit of its top 1%. Just like New York’s home care workers—who are forced to care for their patients in underpaid 24-hour shifts, generating massive wealth solely for their employer agencies and insurance companies—we, too, are left with no other options but to work overtime to bet on our future successes.
As we witness and learn side-by-side from the leadership of the home care workers, who are demanding an abolition of the inhumane 24-hour workday, we also see clearly that our own work hours deprive us of our wealth, health, time, and lives, with only petty benefits and minuscule wage increases in return. Seeing the political urgency to recognize our common interest as a class, we unite working people of all genders, races, trades, citizenships, and income levels to revitalize a labor movement around the 8-hour workday and demand a full control of our work time.